
Empowering Early Learners:

Montessori education is an innovative and child-centered approach developed by Dr. Maria Montessori. It is designed to foster independence, self-confidence, and a love for learning in children aged 1 to 6. The Montessori method recognizes that each child is a unique individual with their own interests, abilities, and pace of development. Here are some key aspects of Montessori education for children in this age group:

Prepared Environment:

The Montessori classroom is carefully prepared to meet the developmental needs of children. It is a calm, orderly, and inviting space with child-sized furniture, materials, and activities arranged on low shelves. The environment encourages freedom of movement, choice, and independent exploration.

Mixed-Age Grouping:

Montessori classrooms typically have mixed-age groups, where children of different ages learn together. This fosters a supportive social community, promotes cooperation, and allows younger children to learn from older peers while older children reinforce their knowledge by teaching and mentoring younger ones.

Hands-On Learning:

Montessori education emphasizes hands-on, concrete learning experiences. Children engage with specially designed Montessori materials that are self-correcting and allow for independent exploration. These materials cover various areas of development, such as practical life skills, sensorial exploration, language, mathematics, and cultural subjects.

Personalized learning: ​

The Montessori approach recognizes that each child learns at their own pace and has unique interests. Teachers observe and assess children’s progress, providing individualized lessons and materials tailored to their specific needs. This allows children to progress at their own pace, fostering a sense of mastery and confidence in their abilities.

Freedom within Limits:

Montessori education provides children with a sense of freedom within a carefully defined structure. They have the freedom to choose their own activities from the available materials and work for extended periods without interruption. Teachers set clear boundaries and guidelines, teaching children to respect themselves, others, and the environment.

Self-Directed Learning:

 Montessori education encourages self-directed learning, where children take responsibility for their own education. They learn to make choices, set goals, and manage their time and activities. This promotes intrinsic motivation, concentration, problem-solving skills, and a love for lifelong learning.

Emphasis on Practical Life Skills:

Practical life activities form an essential part of the Montessori curriculum. Children engage in everyday tasks such as pouring, dressing, cleaning, and food preparation. These activities promote independence, coordination, concentration, and refine fine motor skills.

Respect for the Whole Child:

Montessori education recognizes the importance of addressing the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical aspects of a child’s development. The curriculum fosters respect for the whole child, nurturing their social skills, emotional intelligence, creativity, and physical well-being.

Montessori environment

In a Montessori environment, children are encouraged to explore, discover, and develop a lifelong love for learning. The method nurtures their natural curiosity, independence, and intrinsic motivation, preparing them for future academic success and fostering a solid foundation for personal and intellectual growth.

Our Mixed Age Groups are:

Toddlers – 18 months to 3 years.


Children’s House: 3 years – 6 years

Regardless of the group:

Prepared classroom environments with children of mixed ages and with Montessori material are specifically designed for each lesson.Learning is hands-on, self-paced, joyful, practical, collaborative and immersive.

Children learn at their own pace, with individualized guidance.

Children are encouraged to be curious and follow their own interests, wherever it may lead.

Complementary enrichment programs

We offer holistic education for ages 2-6, aligned with developmental needs and led by experienced staff.

Art Program:

Our art program at the preschool provides children with the opportunity to explore their creativity and express themselves through various art forms. Through hands-on activities, children experiment with different art materials, colors, shapes, and textures. They engage in painting, drawing, collage, and sculpture, fostering fine motor skills, visual perception, and self-expression. Our art program encourages imagination, critical thinking, and an appreciation for the beauty of artistic expression.

Music Program:

In our music program, children discover the joy of music and develop a strong sense of rhythm, melody, and harmony. Through singing, dancing, and playing musical instruments, they explore different genres, cultures, and musical concepts. Our music program enhances listening skills, coordination, self-confidence, and language development. Children engage in group activities, performances, and creative expression, nurturing their love for music and fostering their musical abilities.

Spanish Program:

Our Spanish program introduces children to the Spanish language and cultural diversity. Through fun and interactive activities, children learn basic vocabulary, phrases, and simple conversations. They engage in songs, games, stories, and role-playing, developing an appreciation for different languages and cultures. Our Spanish program promotes multicultural awareness, cognitive flexibility, and communication skills, preparing children for a globalized world.

Library Program:

Our library program fosters a love for reading and cultivates early literacy skills. Children have access to a diverse collection of age-appropriate books, both fiction and non-fiction. They engage in storytelling sessions, group reading, and individual exploration of books. Our library program develops language skills, vocabulary, comprehension, and a lifelong passion for reading. It nurtures imagination, critical thinking, and a thirst for knowledge.

P.E./Physical Development Program:

Our P.E./Physical Development program emphasizes the importance of physical activity, gross motor development, and healthy lifestyles. Through age-appropriate exercises, games, and sports activities, children develop coordination, balance, strength, and spatial awareness. Our program promotes teamwork, sportsmanship, and the joy of movement. Children engage in fun-filled physical activities that support their overall physical well-being and instill healthy habits.

Gardening Program:

Our gardening program provides children with hands-on experiences in nature. They learn about plants, life cycles, and environmental stewardship. Through planting, caring for the garden, and observing the growth process, children develop a connection with the natural world. Our gardening program fosters patience, responsibility, and an understanding of sustainability. It instills a sense of wonder and curiosity as children witness firsthand the magic of seeds turning into vibrant plants.

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